The Characters!
Disgruntled Hero is written and drawn by aLi, < >
Disgruntled Hero is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
Disgruntled Ali:
She's the hero of this comic. Basically, she became a superhero
because she was sick of working minimum-wage jobs.
She's roommates with Felix, and has no problem being disgruntled.
He's Ali's roommate. No one knows where his money comes from
or how he pays the rent, but he's always there when you need
someone to critize your lack of superhero-ness.
Lead Pipe:
Ali's right hand ...ummm... weapon.
Officer Ted:
Local Rockwall City Police Officer. He doesn't like to call
for help, but he'll admit it if he's in a pinch.